Excellent Separator
By Raymond K.
on Jan 04, 2020
I have had mine since the early 90's (smaller model). I would advise doing separation outside and wear a mask. This is the prime source of lead contamination that a reloader will face. Primarily from the lead styphnate from primer residue which works its way into the media after a time. This dust will get into your lungs during separation and will be absorbed into your system. Taking rudimentary steps as stated above will mitigate that condition and will be no cause for concern.
Dillon media separator
By James R.
on Aug 14, 2019
This is my second Dillon separator (the first is the large model). I purchased this for smaller batches with dry media. What's not to like - made in USA with metal handle and thick quality plastic body and tub. I prefer the metal support brackets on the larger model over the plastic tub support on this model. The larger model is easier to spin. While this is a quality unit, I think the larger Dillon model is probably a better choice unless there are budget or space constraints.
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